Thoughts on Three Years of Blogging


Today, May 30, 2020, is the third anniversary of my blog. This one that you’re reading right now. It’s the birthday of my website! Today I’m recognizing that I’ve been writing about our meals, and much more, for three full years online for all to see. Wow.

Without even thinking about it, these three years went by in the blink of an eye. But that’s what everyone says, right? Time flies when you’re having fun; well, that’s what I believe to be true. Even on the hardest weeks, I made sure to keep writing, keep sharing, and continue to provide you with dinnertime inspiration, baking adventures, and more. I’m going to keep writing; this isn’t a letter of farewell. It’s a thank you for reading. I hope you’ll stick around. There’s so much more to come.

After three years of blogging, I’ve learned a fair amount about what “sells” in this competitive, online world. And while I could shift entirely to content that grabs you in immediately, I’m going to just keep writing what feels natural. The most important thing I’ve ever learned about writing (I was an English major with a creative-writing focus, by the way), is to write what you know. Surprisingly, it’s the easiest way to get words on the page. So that’s what I am going to keep doing for all of you. Writing about what I know in hopes that you find it helpful in some way and entertaining in another.

To write what I know also means acknowledging that this isn’t a solo adventure. Support from family and friends over the years has been paramount to my joy in creating this site and necessary to its livelihood. Not to mention my husband, Seth, who is pretty much crucial to the whole operation.

If you didn’t know, he is the chef in our house. We plan the meals together, or I describe the type of meal I’d like us to have, and Seth prepares it every single night. I take care of the plating, photography, and writing, but without him cooking, none of this would be happening. I envision a very different blogging experience if his cooking expertise, and all-around amazing support, wasn’t a part of the picture. For that, I am forever grateful. He’s always known I’m a much bigger fan of eating the food than preparing it. ;)

My blog is about how to enjoy great food. I love food in every shape and form and while my dietary needs require that #glutenfreelife, I will never let that stop me from enjoying incredible meals. We feature our dinner every single night on Instagram, which has allowed me to share thousands of recipes with you. That’s a lot! And I’ve reviewed every single dish on this website for the last three years (Dinner Review arrives weekly).

Dinner is the most special meal of the day to me, which is probably why I share the bulk of my content about it. Eating gluten free shouldn’t be difficult and if it’s a requirement for you, then let me show you how many ways it can be delicious.

This site has allowed me to awaken a passion for baking I didn’t know existed. I love baking fresh cookies for my friends and family, which provides some of the greatest joy ever. I am thrilled to bake something that will make someone else happy; and for them to be so darn surprised it’s gluten free.

I’ve made countless cookies, a few cakes, plenty of buttermilk biscuits, danish, bagels, and much more. It’s a thrill to create baked goods I never thought I’d be able to enjoy again; the gluten free life isn’t so bad when you can make it all fresh, from scratch at home. Mollie Bakes… is one of the most fun sections around here, and the most popular.

Beyond cooking and baking at home, Seth and I adore going out to eat. And while we are amidst a pandemic (wowza), some of our fondest memories are at restaurants we love in and around Boston, and beyond. My dining guide, Bar Bites, has allowed me to share all of our favorite spots with you.

Living with celiac disease requires paying closer attention to ingredients and food preparation, so rest-assured any restaurant I include in my guides is safe for those with celiac as I’ve eaten there multiple times (trust your gut and alert your server before ordering). Bar Bites is a more-modern version of restaurant guides I made when I was little as well as one I made during college; the pre-Zagat, pre-Yelp, pre-Instagram days!

Essentially, this blog is a very large journal that shares innumerable ideas for dinner, options when you’re craving cookies, and plenty of choices for when you’re craving fries and cocktails. My goals are to help you find and create amazing food; whether you’re looking for the fastest stir-fry or the best tacos, I have it all for you. And more.

Over three years I’ve reviewed all of our meals and everything I’ve baked, but I’m also working to expand my discussions with you. As you may have noticed, my Friday-series Flavor Buffet covers good reads and recipes, and restaurants, but it’s also about my favorite products. My penchant for clicking “add to cart” is real and I love sharing with you items that I find useful and items that I just love. As of late, I’m often perusing the best, all-natural skincare, great shoes for walking, and the best comfy pants. Stay tuned as this area continues to grow in year four.

Speaking of products, I created The Market as a way to organize all of the gluten free goodies we keep stocked in our kitchen. This area expands as I add new essentials for cooking and baking as well as my favorite snacks. Never one to miss the holiday shopping season, I’ve also launched Gift Guides for the past two years which include everything from cookbooks to cashmere. These guides are useful year-round. It’s always someone’s birthday.

Phew. Have I talked too much? Written too many words? Probably. I’m wordy and I ramble and that’s just how it’s going to be around here. I’m working on being concise, but I make no promises. After three years, I am still at a loss for how to sum up a wonderful dinner in less than 5 sentences. I love food so much and I love guiding you to the best dishes around.

Three years of blogging has taught me a lot about who I am as a writer and as a person who loves to write about life while enjoying great food. I’ve also realized that blog posts won’t exist unless you write them (surprise, surprise) and that the popular posts may be the ones you never expect to be seen. This little corner of the gluten free food world has taught me a lot. I can’t wait to see what year four has in store.

Thank you for reading. It means the world to me.



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